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M2dude 20th Aug 2010, 15:36 permalink Post: 36 |
Hi Nick, thanks again for your comments. As far as not being a commercial success, for the airline this side of the Channel it was a HUGE commercial success (but of course I accept that in manufacturing terms this was far from the case. The project suffered from very poor financial control). Concorde was the first commercial FBW aircraft as you rightly surmised.
A huge amount of Airbus work was 'burried' in the Concorde project; at Filton a large amount of Airbus components came through that were almost identical to those on Concorde. (witness the STRIKING similarity between the A300 main gear and that of Concorde). Apologies if this post is a little tardy, it's done from my IPhone). ![]() |
ChristiaanJ 20th Aug 2010, 22:55 permalink Post: 38 |
As an example in my particular field, you have to be an expert to distinguish the Concorde ADI (Attitude Director Indicator) and HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator) - the two big central instruments on the pilot's and copilot's panel - from those on the first Airbus, the A300, or the early A310s. Apart from a couple of lights and buttons, they were the same, and the innards were pretty well identical. And a lot of the technology in the AFCS (Automtic Flight Control System, i.e., the autopilots, etc.) was also virtually indistinguishable (the circuitry was obviously different... an A300 did not do Mach2). But even more than the technical foundations, Concorde also laid the foundations for an effective and successful international cooperation in aircraft design, development and production. We learned a tremendous amount from Concorde... Airbus might still have happened without Concorde, but it certainly would have happened years later.
The one difference with "modern" FBW commercial planes (such as the A320) is that Concorde still did have a mechanical back-up for when all else failed. At the time, there was still a doubt about all these new-fangled elektriks replacing good old rods and cables, so when you look under the floor in a Concorde, the rods and cables are still there. But apart from tests and training for emergencies, essentially they were never used. |
M2dude 21st Aug 2010, 10:47 permalink Post: 44 |
The 'normal' T/O CG was 53.5%, but in order to increase fuel weight (and hence range) an extra 'bump' was enabled to allow a max T/O CG of 54%. (CG was indicated on a linear gauge, with forward and aft limit 'bugs' either side of the needle. These bugs would move as a function of Mach and at the lower end of the speed range, A/C weight also). As the A/C accelerated, the limit bugs would move rearwards (with of course the rearward shifting centre of pressure) and so the fuel would be moved from the two front trim tanks 9 & 10 to the rear tank. 11. Once tank 11 reached it's preset limit (around 10 tonnes), the remainder of the 'front' fuel would automatically over-spill into tanks 5 & 7. (Once the fuel panel was set up, the whole process was controlled with a single switch). At Mach 2, the CG would be around 59%, the whole rearwards shift being in the order of 6'. As we said before, the 'final' CG could be tweaked to give us a 1/2 degree down elevon, for minimum drag. I really hope this helps Biggles78. ![]() Guys, back to the Airbus thing; My friend ChristiaanJ gave some really accurate insights, (he always does) but there is another legacy that carries on the this day; some of the audio warning tones were COPIED from Concorde into Airbus. (For example, the A/P disconnect audio is identical). I think this is great, and gives 'our' aircraft a lasting everyday legacy. As far as the fly by wire goes, Concorde had a relatively simple analog system, with little or no envelope protection (Except at extreme angles if attack). As has been previously poted before, production series test aircraft 201, F-WTSB, pioneered the use of a sidestick within a new digital fly by wire Controlled Conviguration Vehicle sytem, with envelope protection and attitude rate feedback. (This evolved into the superb system known and loved by the Airbus community). It is a really bizaar twist of fate that the Concorde FBW system has more mechanical similarities to the system used in the B777 than Airbus. (Mechanically similar at the front end, with an electric backdrive system moving the column in A/P mode; Concorde being backdriven by a hydraulic relay jack). As a final piece of irony; the Primary Flight Control Computers on the B777 are designed and built by GEC Marconi Avionics in Rochester Kent, now BAe Systems. This is the same plant where Elliot (becoming Marconi and finally GEC Marconi Avionics) developed and built the UK half of the AFCS computers. Isn't this aviation world strange? ![]() Galaxy Flyer Your inputs here are great, and I'm sure appreciated by all. (I assume from your name that you were a C5A pilot. While I was in the RAF on C-130's, our Lockheed rep' used to supply us all with company magazines, that were full of stuff on this new (it was then) giant of the sky. I fell in love with it there and then). Anyway, back to Conc': The decel' positions were carefully worked out and adhered to; the aim was to be subsonic to within (I think) 50 nm of the east coast. I'll wait for one of my Concorde pilot friends to confirm that here, but i think I'm correct. I do have a fond memory of one flight out of JFK; we were temporarily 'held' by Boston ATC to Mach 1.6 (and at around FL440) because of an Air France Concorde heading for JFK. We saw this guy above us, at around FL580 on a near reciprical , doing Mach 2, screaming straight over the top of us. We were excited by this amazing spectacle, and so were the AF crew over the VHF ('you never boomed us, did we boom you?'). But the most excited person of all was this guy in Boston ATC. ('I've never seen anything like it guys, your two blips whistled over each other on my my screen like crazy'). Stliton As far as the F/D noise levels were concerned, once the nose and visor were raised, it was as if someone had switched off the noise ![]() ![]() Ozgrade3 You're making us blush here; thanks for your comments, I think we are just trying to share some of our experiences (and 'bit's we've picked up over the years). From my perspective, I did write some stuff used by our pilots, AF even got a copy or two I think. Last edited by M2dude; 21st Aug 2010 at 13:01 . Reason: couple of corrections; this guy can't spell |
M2dude 21st Aug 2010, 16:11 permalink Post: 49 |
What I omitted to say about the Concorde FBW was that autostabilisation commands were superimposed onto the manual/autopilot demands directly at powered flying control unit (PFCU) level, on all 3 axis. . This made the aircraft superbly stable and precise to handle at almost any speed or condition. Apologies for IPhone again
![]() Last edited by M2dude; 22nd Aug 2010 at 00:02 . |
M2dude 22nd Aug 2010, 12:29 permalink Post: 65 |
It's great that Bellerophon is posting here again; we need a steely eyed Concorde pilot's input here (not just the boffins/nutters and nerds [that's me ![]() Fuel burn: The aircraft would naturally require less fuel as she became lighter and as a consequence gently climbed to maintain cruise Mach number, this is what the engine control system was doing all the time, even though the throttles were wide open it was 'tweaking'.. BUT, the decreasing IAS as you climbed, due of course to the reducing density, just like any other aircraft meant that drag was reducing too, so it was a combination of both of these factors, reducing weight and reducing drag. Flying controls: It was a slightly weird but wonderful arrangement; pilots inputs would move a servo valve in the hydraulic relay jack, the jack would move in response and drive both a resolver AND mechanical linkages. The resolver ourput was sumed with the flying control position resolvers, and the error signal was fed into an autostab' computer, where it was summed with stabilisation demands (primarily axis rate and acceleration). The autostab computer would the directly drive the surface, and the reducing error signal would reduce the demand etc. While all this was going on, the mechanical linkages would slavishly follow, but as long as you were in FBW (what we used to call 'signalling') mode, these mechanical inputs were de-clutched at the PFCU, so did nothing at all. Only if there was an EXTREMELY unlikely failure of BOTH FBW channels would these inputs be clutched in and the flying control group (rudders, inner elevons or outer and mid' elevons) would then be in Mechanical signalling. The system redundancy was checked after engine start on every flight. But to reinforce what Bellerophon stated, there was no mechanical reversion here; without hydraulics you had nothing. Another aside here; the designers, being paranoid like all good designers (no offence Christiaan ![]() But there was a problem; if this system was inadvertantly used, the results could have been catastrophic, as the system was extremely sensitive indeed, and full elevon movement could be enabled with only moderate effort. Because of this hairy prospect some safeguards were obviously put in place. The first safeguard was an interlock in the autostab' engage logic; If the switchlight had been inadvertently selected beforehand (the light was green by the way) you would not be able to engage pitch or roll autostab's (both channels too) so you would not be going flying until that was fixed. The second safeguard was a little more subtle; A plastic, frangible cover was fitted over the switchlight, unless the captain pressed reasonably hard the cover would prevent the switchlight from being pressed. At least that was the theory, in practice this little bit of plastic could be a pain in the ass ![]() Last edited by M2dude; 23rd Aug 2010 at 00:02 . Reason: will engineers ever learn to spell? |
Biggles78 23rd Aug 2010, 17:06 permalink Post: 83 |
With the FBW, was there any feedback built into the yoke? The Airbus with it's "joystick" has, I believe, no feel unlike a Flight Sim force feedback one. If there was a yoke movement on one side did the other side mirror the movement or like the Airbus did the sidestick play dead? M2 , it appears the tailwheel was, so far, the only "fault" in an otherwise extreme machine. Were there any other items like the tailwheel that were unworthy to be in her? Does anyone have a tech drawing of the "sliding seals" used in the hydraulics. I have trouble visualising something that could withstand the 4,000psi pressure. Why was such a high pressure used? After all the control surfaces couldn't have required that much input to effect an authority movement. I understand it was also a special fluid that was used. Was this because of the pressure it was under or the temperature extremes? |
EXWOK 23rd Aug 2010, 18:49 permalink Post: 85 |
yoke feedback
Yep, there was feedback. In this respect, the implementation of FBW had a rather different philosophy to FBW Airbus'. Below 200kts it was basically a spring feedback, above that speed it was achieved throught the feel system, not entirely unlike conventional aircraft. Of course, the feel was tempered also by the autostab system, which didn't feedback through the yoke, but did make control surface inputs. A basic analogy is to imagine a yaw damper, but on all three axes. (It was of course rather more sophisticated, especially in pitch). During airtests we would fly portions of the supersonic accel without autostabs and it was then very obvious exactly how much input was being made - great care was needed to remain within sensible bank angles in the low supersonic regime. Also - watch a video of the control surfaces in the latter stages of the approach and landing - all those rapid deflections are the autostabs overlaid on the pilot's inputs. One has to remember that the aircraft is effectively statically unstable in pitch at approach speeds, so a pilot up-elevator input would soon be followed by a countering autostab elevon-down to contain the tendency to keep pitching up, and vice-versa. Gusts affecting the IAS would also create an input. All of which means the basic spring feel below 200kts is not as basic as it sounds.....and in normal signalling modes (ie FBW and autostab active) the amazing thing is that the aircraft handled beautifully through an 1100kt speed range. If you look at a picture of the flightdeck you will see a row of 14 white switches full width of the fwd edge of the overhead panel. These were autostab pitch/roll/yaw, feel pitch/roll/yaw left and right systems and the two pitch trim switches (which played a big part in the low-speed protection). If any of them dropped out you could be sure that the first thing the nearest pilot would do would be to try to re-engage them, as it made for a vastly more pleasant life. |
M2dude 24th Aug 2010, 23:33 permalink Post: 103 |
Concorde had an ENORMOUS number of electronic control boxes, for example the powerplant alone used TWENTY SIX rather heavy computers and control units, all of which used conventional 1970's manufacturing technology. (Although the intake box was a work of art; rows and rows of double sided PCBs completely crammed with TTL chips). This whole entourage literally weighed a ton, and could be easily replaced by four modern relatively light units with multiple redundancy built in). Even the AFCS used a total of sixteen heavy boxes, again these could be reduced to three, for a modern triple channel system. The three INUs and two ADCs (Very heavy units all) could be replaced with a single ADIRU and SAARU. To complete the package two FMCs (which would also furnish autothrottle functions) could be added. A massive weight saving could be made on the FBW system, by removing the bulky mechanical components (the feel and relay jacks as well as all the mechanical control runs and the massive mixing unit under the rear floor). Careful design could easily provide a full authority triplex or quadraplex FBW system. The current controls could be replaced with either an Airbus or Boeing type system, using either a sidestick (Airbus) or retain a conventional control column system (B777/787) using electric backdrive. The pilots can decide this one. A modern databus system would also be required for providing communication and redundancy; ARINC 629 would be MY preferred choice). The wholesale replacement of the various control units and computers, not to forget miles of wiring, as well as some bulky mechanical hardware would in my view save around 3 tonnes or more in weight alone. A now far more accurate control of aircraft systems would also bring major efficiency savings. As far as saving space, that possibly free up a couple of seat rows, if it were all done properly. We can all dream I suppose ![]() Dude ![]() |
notfred 27th Aug 2010, 21:15 permalink Post: 143 |
Thanks Brit312 and ChristiaanJ.
Living in Bristol we used to see her go over on the way in to LHR and on a quiet day with the wind in the right direction we could sometimes here a very faint version of the "BaBoom" that was in the linked video. Such a shame that they didn't keep at least one in a relatively easier to restore to flight condition and send it on the air show circuits with the Vulcan. With the talk of analogue FBW and PFCUs it reminded me of some of the Vulcan controls that I have read about, was there much technology transfer from the Vulcan to Concorde in the design stage? |
M2dude 31st Aug 2010, 18:04 permalink Post: 170 |
![]() In reality the Soviets really lacked both propulsion technology as well as the systems expertise required to build an aircraft with even a remote hope of Mach 2 cruise, let alone safe and comfortable enough for fare paying passengers. The original aircraft had all for engines in one giant nacelle, and the landing gear retracted into the engine inlet duct itself, great for an undistorted flow path to the engines ![]()
ANYWAY, back on topic ![]() Lurking SLF No problem at all Darragh, please keep visiting us and post here also anytime. ![]() Nick Thomas
![]() Now for the PFM bit, equally eloquently alluded to by Bellerophon: DEBOW itself was maintained by a special sub-idle datum in the electronic Engine Control Unit, and once the engine was accelerated towards normal idle (61-65% N2, depending on the temperature of the day) even if the switch described by Bellerophon was accidently re-selected, an electronic inhibit gate in the ECU prevented this sub-idle datum from being used again that engine cycle.
![]() Dude ![]() |
EXWOK 26th Nov 2010, 12:59 permalink Post: 786 |
2% seems a bit high to me - but I haven't tried to calculate it yet.
Coriolis effect was measurable if you looked for it - about 1 degree of bank, I recall. I believe the control laws of the FBW Airbii have to take it into account, as they command 1g in level flight. I'm sure there are people out there who know..... |
CliveL 19th Dec 2010, 18:35 permalink Post: 889 |
Sure, Concorde was the first aircraft to fly with FBW flight controls, but electric signalling on a major aircraft system was introduced on the Proteus engines that powered the Bristol Britannia. These were of course built by the same company, Bristol Aero Engines, that built the Olympus.
There are some (I am not among them) who would say that the Concorde project was a good way to learn how NOT to run a major international collaboration |
ChristiaanJ 19th Dec 2010, 18:50 permalink Post: 891 |
Re the autotrim, tell us some more? I wasn't directly involved with the control laws themselves, more with trying to assure those control laws were respected to well below 1%.
Still, I think you'll agree that lessons were learnt, rather than totally ignored. I would say Airbus can trace its history back to the lessons learned from Concorde. CJ |
EXWOK 21st Dec 2010, 09:02 permalink Post: 906 |
Once you know how the rating selections work, enabling the throttles to be left fully forward throughout normal flight, you can draw a line to the Airbus FBW thrust lever arrangement - the detents equating to different ratings.
Mercifully no-one had thought of that when Concorde was being designed; I still think it's a diabolical system. BTW I was told in the conversion course that during the design phase the idea was mooted to only have one thrust lever for all four engines. This would probably have worked - even non-normal engine shutdown drills didn't require the engine's throttle to be closed, the first thing you did was pull the shutdown handle. |
M2dude 21st Dec 2010, 09:35 permalink Post: 908 |
![]() Best Regards Dude ![]() |
PBL 21st Dec 2010, 10:05 permalink Post: 909 |
CliveL 21st Dec 2010, 12:26 permalink Post: 921 |
quote:I remember at Fairford in mid 1974, a CAA test pilot (I honestly forget the gentleman's name) was taking the British pre-production A/C 101 (G-AXDN) for a special test flight.unquote
It was almost certainly Gordon Corps, possibly the finest 'engineering' test pilot I have ever worked with. After Concorde certification Gordon went to work at Toulouse wher he did most of the development flying that led to the A320 FBW system. BZ was the public 'face' of the design, but knowing the two men I have a very shrewd idea as to who did the original thinking! Perhaps Andy could confirm? Tragically Gordon died young whilst trekking to an A300 crash site somewhere in the Himalayas ClivL |
M2dude 16th Jan 2011, 09:41 permalink Post: 1110 |
Hi again my friend. To further expand on CliveJ's superb explanation: Mechanical control inputs were fed to each of the 8 Powerd Flying Control Units (PFCUs), but in electronic signalling (either Blue or Green) these inputs were de-clutched at the PFCU input lever. When Fly By Wire' signalling is not available, the mechanical inputs (which as CliveL quite rightly points out) are driven by the Relay Jacks, now are locked to the input lever and can now move the input jack of the PFCU (known as the spool valve) and subsequently cause the PFCU to drive the control surface. (The body of the PFCU moved, the main jacks were attached at each end to structure and so obviously did not move). Hopefully this diagram will help visualising the process a little easier: ![]() The diagram shows Green & Blue hydraulics supplied but the electro-valves (opened by the respective FBW channel) are both closed. You can see that the mechanical input lever is 'locked' to the PFCU input lever which will drive the SPOOL VALVE directly. When FBW is enabled, either the Blue or Green (never both together) ELECTRO-VALVE are signalled open, the ensuing hydraulic pressure then pushing the input clutch upwards and disengaging the mechanical input. FBW demands are now fed to the respective SERVO VALVE which will hydraulically send the SPOOL VALVE in the desired direction. The Relay Jacks could be considered to be a little like a PFCU (you had 2 RJs per axix) but instead of the servo valves being driven by the FBW system they were driven by the autopilot and instead of driving a control surface, they drove the control runs. In manual flight the input spool was driven via a mechanical input lever, which would drive the RJ spool a little like Mech' signalling drove the PFCU spool. In A/P mode the mechanical input rod was de-clutched \xe0 la PFCU, but (and here's the clever part) this input was locked to the body of the Relay Jack which when it moved, drove the pilot's control in sympathy. (Control column, yoke or rudder pradals). As the respective control(s) was moved by the Relay Jack, the corresponding FBW position sensor (resolver) would change position and generate the FBW demand. (As the surface moved there was a feedback resolver at PFCU level). As far as the FBW channels themselves went; there were 2 electronic signalling modes, Blue and Green, sub-divided into 3 groups (Inner Elevons, Outer & Mid Elevons and Rudders). Each group was independently monitored, and a fault in say the Rudder channel alone, would result in the rudders ONLY changing lanes. NOW ( ), The normal control channel was BLUE, and if this failed you would drop the respective channel into GREEN and if this failed you would drop into MECH. The selector switches (1 per group) enabled you to select BLUE/GREEN/MECH in that order. If for some reason you were selected to GREEN, a failure of that signalling lane would not drop you 'up' into BLUE, but into MECH. Your switch would only be in this position if you'd had a problem with BLUE, however you would select this on pushback while you were testing the flying controls, otherwise you spent your whole life selected to BLUE. As far as BA went, I can never remember a time personally when all 3 groups dropped from BLUE to MECH, but very rarely you might get a fault that caused a single group to briefly drop to MECH. Just about one of the very few common mode failures to each of the 3 groups would be a failure of the respective FBW static inverter. This thing, which was rightly monitored up to the hilt, produced a 26 Volt 1800 Hz output. (1800 Hz was chosen as this is not a harmonic of aircraft mainline 400 Hz AC supply) Best regards Dude ![]() Last edited by M2dude; 16th Jan 2011 at 12:10 . Reason: Clarity; Oh for clarity |
M2dude 17th Jan 2011, 06:15 permalink Post: 1112 |
Ahhh the Tech refresher days. ![]() ![]() Mech' signalling during decel'??, OUCH!! I would have thought that the 'supersonic dustbin lid' description would have been quite an accurate description of what must have been a very uncomfortable experience indeed. It was quite a vivid and scary description, I can just imagine trying to move the 3 switches up to BLUE from MECH and stabbing the reset buttons while your seat and the selector panel are seemingly going backwards and forwards, up and down in different directions!! ![]() ![]() Now NW1, I bet you can still really do the flying control check in your sleep ( ![]() And as for March... Yes I will be there; see you on the 4th. Best regards Dude ![]() |
M2dude 18th Jan 2011, 09:30 permalink Post: 1122 |
I so remember the BAe AST images from the 1980s, I always thought what a potentially nice looking aeroplane she was. I guess that vastly improving the L/D & T/W ratios could go quite a long way to improving the operating economics, but the noise issue was always going to be the crippler. (I know that they were looking at a 'leaky' version of the OLY593, ie. a very low bypass ratio, but this of course would still not really cut the mustard as far as noise goes). I guess there are no current takers then
![]() Clive, you really surprise me when you say you don't think that composites would be used from a future SST, is there a material reason for this? (I'm curious because being of a simple avionic brain, I always assumed composites would be used. But if anyone knows this stuff, you certainly would Clive ![]() To answer Mike-Bracknell's original query, as far as avionics goes we can really go to town. For her age Concorde had some truly amazing aircraft systems, for instance the flying controls. To enable mechanical control (both FBW channels failed) there was a highly complex and heavy mixing unit under the rear floor. (To mix pitch and roll pilot mechanical demands into differential elevon demand inputs). This of couse would have to be done away with, as well as the relay jacks and replaced with a pair of side-sticks. (See posts on previous page). A 2 crew operation would obviously be the way to go, but neither desirable or possible in my view when Concorde was designed. ![]() ![]() Best regards Dude ![]() |