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M2dude 13th Aug 2010, 18:53 permalink Post: 4 |
Point taken GF, but it was discovered during development flying that that the Olympus 593 could be relit, given sufficient IAS, at almost any altitude within the normal flight envelope. The variable inlet would even be automatically scheduled, as a funcion of N1, in order to improve relight performance at lower Mach numbers. I certainly agree that you would decelerate and lose altitude fairly quickly under these conditions, however a multiple flame out was never experienced during the entire 34 years of Concorde flight testing and airline operation. There was, as a matter of interest an un-commanded deployment of a Concorde RAT AT MACH 2!! (The first indications of the event were when the cabin crew complained about 'a loud propeller sound under the rear cabin floor'. A quick scan of the F/E's panel revealed the truth of the matter). The aircraft landed at JFK without incident, and the RAT itself, apart from a very small leak on one of the hydraulic pumps, was more or less un-phased by the event. Although it sounds horrific, a prop rotating in a Mach 2 airstream, the IAS it 'felt' would be no more than 530 KTS at any time. The RAT was of course replaced before the aircraft flew back to LHR.
Not quite sure about your reference to the RAT on an F16 being Hydrazine powered; a Ram Air Turbine is just that, using the freely rotatting propellor to power hydraulics, electrics or both. Or do you mean the the F16 has an emergency power unit? Either way, it's fascinating stuff. Yes, I do remember that the Germans used Hydrazine as a fuel during WW2: The father of one of our Concorde pilots was on an air raid to destroy one o the production plants there, this aviation business is such a small world. |
M2dude 23rd Aug 2010, 08:28 permalink Post: 77 |
Nick Thomas
Last edited by M2dude; 19th Jan 2011 at 13:42 . |
M2dude 27th Aug 2010, 22:12 permalink Post: 145 |
Love the lightning story, hadn't heard that one before.
Brake temperatures always had to be monitored; they really could get very hot. If a wheel was still too warm after T/O, then the gear would be left down just a little longer to aid cooling. (Each brake also had an electric cooling fan). Idle thrust was always a problem in that it was too high; there was a 'lo idle' setting, but depending on the temperature of the day the difference was not that big. You could not just reduce idle some more because of a malady known as rotating stall. This can plague any engine, but the Olympus 593 was particularly susceptible. At very low idle speeds, pockets of air 'rotate' around the first few compressor stages and can completely alter the airflows through the engine. It is important that the engine is always accelerated quickly through this zone on start-up, because serious damage can occur if the engine runs for any period of time in the rotating stall region. If the engine DOES operate in this zone, then the combustion process can even occur in the last few stages of the HP compressor, causing extreme damage. This damage, although malignant, can result in blade failure and the subsequent damage to the combustion chamber and turbine areas. This can occur within a few flights of the event, so just cranking down the idle was never an option. |
M2dude 5th Sep 2010, 11:56 permalink Post: 217 |
In-Flight Reverse (A case of Bucket and See)
Capt Chambo
Concorde was, as EXWOK says, could use reverse in flight, on the inboard engines only, and only as far as reverse idle, the mechanism of which was quite complex and did on occasion not do work as advertised. Bear in mind here that the Rolls Royce Olympus 593 was a pure turbojet with no bypass, and so a hot stream reverser only had to be used; the reverser buckets acting directly on the efflux as it did any reverser in the 'old' days. Also the same buckets that were used for reverse were also progressively opened up between Mach 0.55 and wide open at Mach 1.1, this giving a vital control enhancement to the divergencing efflux. The overall effect of this was to give a true overall convergent/divergent nozzle assembly, the ideal for any supersonic aircraft. As far as inflight reverse goes, the amount of HP compressor delivery air (P3) required to actuate the bucket airmotor in flight at an idle thrust settings, was quite minimal to say the least, and some help was definitely needed here. The moment that inflight reverse was selected (on the inboard engines only remember) the OUTBOARD engines would have their idle N2 automatically increased, and some of THEIR P3 air supply was also automatically ported over (via an isolation valve) to the inboard buckets. This whole process was required in order to give a little added muscle to the bucket airmotors, and give the system a fighting chance. Even this however was still not quite enough, the inboard travelling buckets required minimal air loading on their surface, and so the primary nozzles for the affected engines (the primary nozzle lived just aft of the LP turbine, aft of the reheat assembly) was automatically signalled wide open in order to assist matters here, by reducing gas velocity. One the buckets had reached full reverse the primary nozzle was then signalled full close (this applied for normal ground reverse also) and the automatic increased idle on the outboard engines was cancelled. To enable the described process to occur, provided all four engines were at idle, a solenoid latched button on the F/E's station could be selected. This signalled a circuit that enabled the selection of idle reverse on the inboard engines only, the opening of the P3 isolation valve, the raising of the outboard engine's idle and maximum primary nozzle angle for the outboards as soon as reverse was then selected.. The whole system was just a little fragile here; failure of either the extra air supply, or the raised idle on the 'other' engine was usually enough to stop the process working correctly. EXWOK While flying 'up front' I only ever experienced the use of inflight reverse once. (The captain was a bit of an Animal, if you flying guys see what I mean ). I would not say that it felt as if we'd hit a brick wall, as I'd expected the sensation to feel, more like we were flying into the dumped contents of a very large manure truck . The whole operation was so slick, we'd dumped the required amount of IAS more or less within a second or two, and normal thrust was immediately selected. As so often happened with you guys, you made it look too easy. As far as the speed of the airmotor goes, I seem to remember that it was something in the order of 80,000 RPM at max chat; as you say faster (around twice as fast) as the standby horizon motor. The basic core airmotor (not the whole assembly) was the same Garrett unit used on the P&W JT9 as well as the RB-211. Dude Last edited by M2dude; 5th Sep 2010 at 13:25 . |
M2dude 7th Sep 2010, 08:39 permalink Post: 250 |
I hope this one is interesting; it's a Rolls Royce diagram illustrating what the wildly varying differences were in terms of the engine between take off and supersonic cruise. The primary nozzle can be seen at the rear of the engine, together with the reheat assembly and the secondary nozzle (reverser buckets).
Yes ChristaanJ, I FINALLY managed to upload stuff here. |
M2dude 19th Sep 2010, 18:41 permalink Post: 400 |
But this is aviation, and we can never say no, to absolutely ANYTHING in our particular 'world'. There is so much money spent on far more ridiculous ventures than trying to return a single example of the finest aircraft ever built to the air. (But again, what do I know? This is just my OPINION; crystal balls are extra) Dude |
M2dude 8th Oct 2010, 14:18 permalink Post: 534 |
Feathers, these are the joys of afterburning; a totally gas guzzling way of extracting some more thrust from an engine. With Concorde, at 15 degrees TAT, you got a 78% increase in take off fuel flow for, as you say, about a 6000lb increase in thrust. Normaly adding an afterburning/reheat system is a fairly complex and heavy affair; you need both the system itself plus a variable exhaust nozzle. Because Concorde already required the primary nozzle for N1 control, the addition of reheat was at least a relatively simple and lightweight afair. The original Olympus 593-22R engine was really a little lacking in terms of dry thrust, and the addition of the reheat system was deemed essential. Concorde only had a single reheat spray ring and flame-holder, military systems often have several, with a corresponding increase in thrust growth as well as a hyper increase in fuel burn.
Further development plans for the Olypus 593 included a large increase in dry thrust; the reheat being retained only for transonic acceleration. It is such a pity that it was not to be. Dude |
ChristiaanJ 8th Oct 2010, 17:07 permalink Post: 536 |
Reheat on the existing aircraft supplied about 25% extra "wet" thrust. The Olympus 593 "B" engine was going to have about 25% more "dry" thrust, so the reheat could most likely have been deleted altogether. This was achieved mostly by increasing the diameter of the LP compressor, hence increasing the mass flow, and adding a second LP turbine stage. The "B" engine was destined for the "B" Concorde which, thanks to several aerodynamic improvements, would have had increased performance and more range, allowing direct flights from Frankfurt and Rome to New York. Concorde #17 would have been the "prototype" for the "B" model... sadly, as M2dude says, it was not to be. CJ |
M2dude 9th Oct 2010, 19:26 permalink Post: 540 |
As far as ChristiaanJ's point about the Olympus; the only plans I ever saw were for the Olympus 593 Mk 622, which gave a thrust increase of around 4,000 lbs static thrust but retained reheat. I know there were definate plans for a larger diameter engine (not just the LPC) that would have naturally required a larger intake. As far as the intake irself went, believe it or not, the plan was to remove the rear ramp altogether. The 'B' would have been a hell of an aeroplane; but the 'A' was still absolutely amazing in any case. Dude |
M2dude 7th Nov 2010, 21:59 permalink Post: 680 |
Good to see you here again Roger, I'll try my best to give you my take on rotating stall. (I worked very closely with Rolls Royce in the Concorde days, and everything I know about the process is thanks to them). Turbine engine combustion is a precise and delicate affair, particularly during start, and too much or too little fuel can cause severe problems. With rotating stall, the rotating cells of stalled air. if they manage to take 'hold' can cyclically choke the flow into the latter compressor stages (it's the cyclic nature of the cells that is the real problem, hence the 'rotating' stall term). The cells as they 'hit' the compressor blades (the cells are rotating at half shaft speed in the opposite direction of shaft rotation) can cause blade vibration and can also cause minor surges within the engine. The combustion fire literally can burn in the turbine section, but any distortion to the combustion process will result in local overheating, due to poor air/fuel mixing etc. In some engine types, damage can be also be caused to the HP compressor blades (due to vibration) but with the Olympus the main danger was to the turbine blades and stators. It's difficult to relate to any common analogy for this lot I'm afraid Roger. Rotating stall was avoided in the Olympus by starting the engine with the primary nozzle driven wide open, and controlling two parameters; those being the opening rate of the fuel valve and the rate of rise of exhaust gas temperature. (During the start sequence, once ignition had occured the EGT rise was held to 6 degrees per second, right up until rotating stall clearance at 65% temperature corrected N2 ). So the engine accelerates without let or hinderance right through the danger zone, but was prevented from dipping below 65% temperature corrected N2, where the danger zone starts again. (Absolute minimal idle for the Olympus 593 was set at 61% N2). I sincerely hope this blurb helps Roger, if not then feel free to ask again or PM me. Regards Dude |
Mr.Vortex 21st Nov 2010, 05:58 permalink Post: 749 |
Thanks very much M2Dude for your answer.
I'm wonder if all 4 Olympus 593 all died in flight and unable to restart. Is it possible to be able to land at the nearest airport? I've heard some of the double delta fighter like saab 35 Draken suggested that if engine was died inflight, ejection was recommend since it isn't possible to land [maybe due to the enormous of drag create while aircraft approaching the runway]. So if i'm wrong please correct me. I'm no expert in saab draken. Thanks for all of yours reply. Best regards Vortex |
ChristiaanJ 21st Nov 2010, 17:02 permalink Post: 752 |
Best glide angle for Concorde is in the order of 1:10, so with an multiple failure at 40,000ft (7.5 miles) your "nearest airport" would have to be well within a distance of 75 miles. (BTW, I think somebody earlier already mentioned that a large part of the actual descent from top-of-descent was with the engines barely above idle, so that it was much like a glide. It was during the final hold, approach and landing, that it was preferable to have a few engines left.....) Four-engine surges have happened a few times during flight testing, but I don't think there ever has been a four-engine flameout. Re the SAAB Draken, I would think a dead-stick landing would be possible, but only IF you could arrive 'overhead' at about 10,000ft and IF you were well aware of the horrendous sink rate 'on the back of the drag curve' once you committed to the final approach and landing. Even the F-104G, not known for its gliding qualities, could be and has been landed dead-stick - there is a section on the subject in the flight manual. On the 104, things were further complicated by the fact that without an engine you also lost the "blown flaps", so your landing speed was a lot higher. In Western Europe, with its densely populated areas on the one hand, and a lot of airbases on the other hand, there were certainly cases where you thought twice before 'punching out'. CJ |
Brit312 21st Nov 2010, 18:21 permalink Post: 753 |
QUOTE]I'm wonder if all 4 Olympus 593 all died in flight and unable to restart. Is it
possible to be able to land at the nearest airport[/QUOTE] As CristiaanJ says , it depends on how far the nearest airfield was away, but given that there was one close enough then yes in theory it was possible. On Concorde there were two checklist to cater for a four engine failure that assumes the engine have flamed out but not seized thus the system can be fed by windmilling engines. The two drills are 4 ENGINE FAILURE ABOVE MACH 1.2 4 ENGINE FAILURE BELOW MACH 1.2 When above M1.2 the windmilling speed of the engines should keep the engine generators on line and you should have good hyd pressure also. Therefore the main point of the drill at this speed is to try and relight the engines, by selecting relight on all 4 engines at the same time. You normally got the chance to go through 2 and some times 3 relight sequences before the speed dropped to Mach 1.2 At mach 1.2 with no engines then the windmilling speed is reaching a point where it is not sufficent to hold the generators on line so the drill concentrates on switching as much of the systems onto essential electrics which will be supplied by the hydraulically driven emergency generator. To help support the yellow and green hyd system below M1.2 the ram air turbine is lowered. Engine relights will continue to be attempted but as you are on essential electrics now they can only be attempted individually. If no relights and below 10,000ft then the c/list tells you to prepare the aircraft for landing by lowering nose/visor and gear by emergency systems with speed reduced now to 270 kts. To conserve hyd pressure being mainly derived now from the RAT for the flying controls the emerg gen is switched off during the approach and approch speed is 250 kts with min landing speed of 200kts During this all this descent the aircraft had to be flown and navigated, radio calls made along with PA and cabin briefing and all the normall descent checklist complied with so you can imagine it was quite a busy time This drill used to be practised on the sim ,but the crew would normally find the engines started to relight before 10,000ft so as to give the crew confidence that the drill worked. However after many years of operation there was some talk about doing away eith the drill as no one could envisage it ever happening. then the BA 747 lost all 4 engines in the volcanic ash cloud and all such talk stopped |
jodeliste 25th Nov 2010, 15:32 permalink Post: 770 |
Channel 4 video
Just managed to locate and download a copy of the Channel 4 program "Last flight of Concorde"
Well worth watching if you havent already seen it with lots of good archive footage. Just one question for our resident experts, why were the Olympus 593 s so smoky to start with, did they use excess fuel to help with cooling as some petrol engines do or was there some design feature which caused the smoke. It seeems to have been cured in later engines rod |
ChristiaanJ 25th Nov 2010, 16:11 permalink Post: 771 |
The 593s on the prototypes had eight separate combustion chambers, and used fuel injectors ; the smoke resulted from the less-than-perfect combustion (as on many earlier aircraft types). The 593s on the pre-prod and the later production aircraft had a single 'annular' combustion chamber and fuel vaporisers (the fuel entered the gas stream fully vaporised rather than as a fine spray). While it didn't totally eliminate the smoke (as any take-off video shows...), it did make a huge difference. It was unfortunate, that the new engines were not there in time for the prototypes, so that during the prototypes' world tours they acquired a repution of 'Smoky Joes', and gave an un-needed and undeserved boost to the tree-huggers of the time. CJ PS Here's another explanation.... (And no, the drawing isn't mine) Last edited by ChristiaanJ; 25th Nov 2010 at 16:57 . |
M2dude 27th Nov 2010, 15:22 permalink Post: 794 |
Nick I can't quite remember the numbers, (I must find out) but we always had a sufficient float of spare engines to cope with out needs. Engine changes in the early days of operation were quite common, with average on wing live being little more than 600 hours. Eventually, through modifications the on wing life more than quadrupled, but still only a fraction of the time that a big fan engine would stay on wing. (The Olympus 593 was subject to so much more thermal and mechanical stress than a subsonic engine during cruise flight). Although the last engines were built at Patchway (Bristol) sometime in the 1980's (IIRC) there was virtually no limit to the number of times that an engine could be overhauled, as new turbine and compressor blades, combusion chamber components etc. were always being manufactured during airline service. Apart from pulling engines due to EGT Trend induced boroscope inspections, another reason was as the result of an engine oil sample chemical analysis, where the presence of certain contaminant metals would indicate such things as potential gearbox failures.
But in order to fully answer your question Nick, we could have carried on operating Concorde almost indeffinately, as far as engines went. Best Regards Dude |
notfred 29th Nov 2010, 19:07 permalink Post: 813 |
Engines and touch-and-go
I found a reference (via Wikipedia) to 67 Olympus 593 built in total.
The Rolls-Royce SNECMA Olympus 593 Concorde Engine - the fascinating full story of the Olympus 593 Mk610 from concept to service I remember seeing a picture a few years ago of a Vulcan doing a touch-and-go at an airshow and rearranging the tarmac with the. With the mentions that have been made of the little clearance between the nozzles and the ground in landing config, did Concorde ever come close to doing something similar? Was careful consideration taken of the runway surface before doing a touch-and-go at a display? |
howiehowie93 1st Dec 2010, 14:04 permalink Post: 822 |
Well I have to say this is a brilliant thread.
I stumbled upon it by accident and been catching up on it when I had a spare moment and have found it completely riveting and it has whiled away many hours over the past month. I\x92m ex-RAF and spent the last ten years working as an engine bloke on the T aeroplane & RB199. We were always told there were many parallels with Concorde & the Olympus 593 \x96 TBT/T7 Gauges, Optical Pyrometers, EPC Coils on-engine FCU\x92s, Vapour Core Pump for reheat fuel as well and the like. I attended the RR Manufactures course for two weeks at the Patchway Works and spent a day at the Concorde Museum seeing the similarities with the Electronic Control Units too though Lucas Aerospace made the MECU\x92s or GR1/4 (& DECU\x92s on the F3\x92s). Also while on the course the distinguished RR Instructor Gent filled up in with various snippets of Engine History too such as the Vaporisers which were fitted to RB199 & the later models of Olympus 593 were originally Armstrong Sidderly designed for the Sapphire, also I learned the whole 15 Stage Sapphire Compressor was lifted completely and fitted to later Avon\x92s as it worked better. I was at Leuchars in the early 80\x92s and the Open Golf peeps all arrived in one of these magnificent lady\x92s \x96 the visit was notable for several things; someone fired off an escape chute!!! \x96 What does this little handle do on the Main Oleo ??? whoosh ! and after the dusk take off the pilot beat the place up several times in full reheat !!!! My last place of work before I was de-mobbed was at the RAF Marham Engine bay and I had the good fortune to meet an RR Technician called Phil (second name escapes me) but he was part of the team of RR Controls Engineers during the Hot & High Trials. He said they used to modify the three \x93Amps\x94 for each Engine control \x96 Lane1, Lane 2 & Reheat on the fly and the aircraft often flew with different schedules installed on all four engines \x96 I think the aircraft at Duxford has these still fitted in the racks (??M2Dude??) but that\x92s another Tonka thing too; three control lanes. Were all these Amps combined into one black box?? They are always Amps in RR Speak?? The Spey 202 had \x93Amps\x94 in its reheat system too. I was lucky to find a job with the TVOC in 2001 until they ran out of money (as they do) and worked to have their flight worthy Olympus 20202\x92s tested at RR Ansty but left before that happened. In fact I don\x92t know if it did happen though it was a CAA requirement. While I was there we were working with Alan Rolfe & Mike Batchelor of the RR Historic Engine Department were offering support too. (593\x92s were their responsibility also !!! Historic !!!) but I think that was unofficial until there was an agreement about the costs. After that I worked in industrial applications of Olympus (and Avon) and worked on many installed Olympus in power generation but based on the 200 Series \x96 I think the 300 was thought to be too fragile. But I did have a good look at Olympus 2008/003 Still in good working order in Jersey on the Channel Islands with it\x92s Bristol Sidderly Name plate on it. They didn't have Inlet Guide Vanes as the 300's had but just 6 Forward Bearing Supports, hollow with anti -Icing air blown though, controlled by a Garret Air Valve. I never saw a DEBOW sort of function on the Industrials but there is a critical N1 speed which has to be avoided because the LP Turbine Disc can fail. The Trouble with that speed range is that it is right where the usefull power is produced!!! Was there any Normal Operating Range RPM's which had to be avoided on the 593 ? Again thanks very much for all the fascinating information here\x92s to another 42 pages!! Sorry to have rambled on so much Howie |
M2dude 2nd Dec 2010, 11:33 permalink Post: 823 |
Welcome aboard and thank you for your kind words; I am so glad you enjoy our thread. You are in good company here also, many of the 'more mature' vintage Concorde people (like me) are ex-RAF. (And some of the pilots were ex-RN also, but no one is perfect ... only joking guys). It is a matter of pride/embarrassment for me that up to the end of 2003, I'd only ever really 'known' two aircraft; the C-130 and Concorde . I was really interested in some of the RB199/Olympus similarities; TBP was tried on the development aircraft for engine control TET calculation, but Rolls-Royce were unhappy with the performance and abandoned TBP in favour of indirectly computing TET as a function of T1 (intake TAT) and EGT (T7). (And this meant the removal of the four TBP amplifiers too... we had even more black boxes then. As for the three 'control amps' you were speaking of, I'm 99% sure that A/C 101, G-AXDN still does have the units you described fitted. The ECUs (or ECAs as they were sometimes called) were a highly complex analog control unit built by Ultra Electronics. They could be quite a headache sometimes in terms of reliability, but would generally perform flawlessly in terms of engine control. As with any analog box, control law changes in the field were not too straightforward and a soldering iron was the flight test engineers best friend here. The Reheat Amp was built by ELECMA (the electronics arm of SNECMA) and unlike some of the other components in the reheat system, was a beautifully designed and constructed unit. Very few reheat failures (and there were many) were attributed to the 'box' itself. The main fragility with the reheat system was the ignition system used (a 20 KV swirl ignitor, which you will see is covered previously in the thread). We (BA/RR) were seriously looking at one point of investigatng the use of 'hot streak' injection as a backup ignition source, which I believe was used in the 199 (?), but it unfortunately never happened. The Plessey DECU that was tried on A/C 202 (G-BBDG) DID combine main engine control and reheat, but unfortunately was never taken up for the production A/C, and so we were left withe the '3 AMPS' as you so eloquently describe. We had a total of THIRTY ONE control units associated with powerplant control on Concorde; might be a little different now methinks ] Thanks for some of the fascinating engine history snippets you shared with us, although purists might regard it as being 'off topic' I personally think this rather unique thread is all the better for your contribution here, I think it is great that you are working with industrial Olympuses, all part of the family tree. I will dig out the verboten sustained N1 speed band for the 593, it certainly WAS a fact though. Thanks from all of us for your contribution here Howie, keep on posting. Regards Dude |
M2dude 3rd Dec 2010, 12:19 permalink Post: 828 |
The whole idea of adapting hotstreak injection came from our Rolls-Royce rep', who spent many years on RB199 development. We'd even identified the position on the Olympus 593 for the injector itself; un unused start atomiser port, but as I reluctantly said before, it was not to be. Apart from ignition issues the other main problems were reheat instability and reheat 'coming in with a thump', this particular malady being generally confined to transonic acceleration and not take-off. The instability issue was caused by either an open circuit/high resistance fuel metering valve tacho (only rate feedback was used here) or more commonly contamination of the RFCU umbilical electrical connector. The connector itself was originally located high up the side of the engine, close to the combustion area, was barely accessable and was a total nightmare in terms of reliability. After a great deal of pressure from us (BA) SNECMA agreed to effectively relocate the connector at the bottom of the engine and the majority of our stability problems almost disapperared overnight. The 'reheat in with a thump issue was a real beaut'. For transonic acceleration a much lower ratio of Fr/Fe (reheat fuel flow/engine fuel flow) was used than for take-off. (0.45 as opposed to 0.78) and therefore the opening rate of the fuel metering valve required damping, this being achieved by using a metered orifice inside the RFCU that applied a small amount of servo fuel pressure to one side of the valve to achieve the damping. Trouble was, any contaminants in the reheat fuel system would progressively clog up the orifice and kill our daming stone dead; the end result being the FMV banging wide open and hence the 'thump'. The only remedy for this problem was to replace the RFCU. SNECMA, in a truly classic feat of engineering produced a filter across this orifice, in order to prevent it getting clogged. Anyone see a problem with this? Yep, the filter itself would clog up and we got our beloved thump back. The only remedy for this problem was again to replace the RFCU. The contaminants were often as a result of RFCU build issues; this issue was never truly resolved. I checked and found the dodgy sustained N1 band for the Olympus 593, this was 88-91% N1. This figure was never an issue in service as at cruise ISA -7 and above conditions the N1 was always run at the flat rate limit of 101.5%. Below ISA -7 the intake system would progressively reduce N1 as a function of intake local Mach Number, falling to 97.4% at ISA -24. (The coldest cruise conditions I personally ever saw was ISA - 25 (that's -81.5 degrees C folks) between BAH and BKK. The controlled N1 at all other 'non cruise' phases was always in the upper 90's, well away from our blade resonance area. jodeliste and Alpine Flyer Thank you both for the TSR-2 information, it makes amazing reading (what a truly magnificent aircraft) , and as Concorde's military cousin, discussion here is in my opinion most waranted. Regards Dude |