Posts about: "Pilot Selection" [Posts: 2 Pages: 1]

8th Apr 2015, 21:28
Post: 1857
Was pilot selection purely on seniority?
10th Apr 2015, 18:25
Post: 1864

...Was pilot selection purely on seniority?...

Fortunately, Yes!

It was (almost) exactly the same process as pilot selection for any other aircraft move in BA.
  • There had to be a vacancy on the type.
  • You had to be "unfrozen" and free to bid.
  • You had to be senior enough to obtain one of the vacancies.
  • You had to pass the conversion course.

There were two minor differences to the normal BA process that applied once you had been notified of a successful bid and allocated a course date.
  • Before starting the course, if you changed your mind, you could voluntarily withdraw without penalty and remain on your existing fleet.
  • If the Chief Pilot on your existing fleet felt there were clearly defined technical reasons why you would be unlikely to complete the Concorde conversion course successfully, you could be denied the course.

Over the years, there were a very small number who were denied a conversion course on technical grounds, one of whom I knew personally.

There were several people who voluntarily withdrew from a course they had been allocated. Often this was after a look-see trip and a chat with crewmembers about the conversion course and life on the fleet. This was not uncommon, and I got my conversion course, at shortish notice, after just such a voluntary withdrawal by a more senior pilot.

Finally, often people are surprised to learn that - for various reasons - most BA pilots never put in a bid for Concorde. The year I got my course, there were around 600 captains in BA senior to me who had declined to bid.